Brian Finch Continues Dominance at OUSCI Qualifiers

Ultimate Streetcar
OPTIMA Batteries
Pigeon Forge, TN

Brian Finch continued his dominance of OPTIMA Ultimate Street Car Invitational qualifying events, by winning the 6th Annual Run Thru the Hills event at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Since Finch had already qualified for the OUSCI (several times over), second-place finisher, Kyle Tucker, ended up getting the nod. Tom Farrington picked up the "Spirit of the Event" invitation as well. Congratulations to all three competitors, we look forward to seeing you in Nevada!

If you would like to qualify for the OPTIMA Ultimate Street Car Invitational, you only have one more opportunity to do so at the GoodGuys Lone Star Nationals on October 1st. We hope to see you there!